Course Catalog

Honors Biology of the Living Earth

Course Number: S501/S502
Typical Grade Level: 9, 10

Brief Description

Biology of the Living Earth Honors is based on the California Three Course model, and follows the suggested sequence as outlined in Chapter 7 of the California State Science Framework: Ecosystem Interactions and Energy, History of Earth’s Atmosphere, Evidence of Evolution, Inheritance of Traits, Structure Function and Growth, Ecosystem Stability and the Response to Climate Change. The course focuses on the interactions of life and the earth systems, and is taught through a discovery lens, whereby students investigate natural phenomena and are given the opportunity to discover the scientific concepts with the teacher’s guidance. This is an honors laboratory science course, designed to develop foundational scientific skills, including the eight scientific and engineering practices, and to recognize the seven cross cutting concepts, and the Environmental Principles and Concepts that will prepare students to study higher level science, and to make them better informed world citizens. In addition to following the Biology of the Living Earth CP framework, the Honors course will also require students to investigate case studies for every unit, specific honors level laboratory inquiries and experiments for every unit, and research current events every academic quarter. Honors students are also expected to complete a Science Fair Project or other extended research opportunity or Capstone Project that includes a presentation to an audience beyond the classroom.

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