Course Catalog

Color and Design (CP)

Course Number: A001/A002
Typical Grade Level: 10

Brief Description

Color and Design is year long course that explores basic concepts of visual communication and expression. The focus of the course is the relationship of color within the design, which is an image composed of various art elements working together in unity. Students will achieve an understanding of two-dimensional design through hands-on experiences in traditional and digital media. Color theory will be introduced to create a foundational understanding of the attributes and relationships of colors. Students will explore how to use a create a color wheel to use as a future reference, how to mix and adjust colors, how color is use to refer to ideas outside of the picture plane, how color is used to create mood and express emotion, and how color is an integral part of any composition. Color will be discussed as it relates to composition, which is the structure and organization of spaces within an artwork. Students will explore how to organize spaces and shapes within the picture plane, how to create different types of balance, how the elements of art work within a composition, and how all parts of an image work together to create a unified design.

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